Monday, 10 October 2011

Plodding on

I have found this week rather interesting, you see I have made a few changes in my life recently, I left my part time job (where I had worked for 11 years!) and this has been replaced with more hours life modelling (at the college where I used to study) and freeing up more time to get on with my art work. So I suppose I've been adjusting a bit in the last couple of weeks, but what I have found interesting is listening in to the drawing classes. The classes I sit for are mostly first years (degree level), so it is quite fitting with my project at the moment, as I am revisiting the beginning of drawing, and this is what is being taught. I am finding it very useful as even though I can remember the basics of these lessons, they were 4 years ago! It is almost like I am getting a second change to partake in these (probably) most important lessons from the degree.
It has all left my head swimming with ideas.......

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