Thursday, 24 November 2011

A small update on my work

So I have actually being doing quite a lot of drawing, and I think my project is coming along quite nicely now :)
Here are a few examples from my sketch book .....

This first one is an attempt to use weight of line to give the drawing form, by indicating where shadows are with darker lines and the lights with, well, a lighter line. Although I do like this drawing on the whole I need to work on this a bit because I don't think I've got enough variation in the line.

This second one is similar to the first but I've introduced some tone, again something I need to work on some more as it seems a bit wishy washy, and kind of just unstructured scribbles. :/

This last one I do like though! I'm not sure if cropped pictures like this one will fit into the series that I'm planning, but I'll definitely be doing a complete drawing like this one!

Monday, 21 November 2011

Maciej Leszczynski

I discovered this photographer on illusion the other day and think these photos are extremely beautiful so thought I would share them with you all.

And here's a link to his website -

Monday, 24 October 2011

Woohoo - 30 hours DONE

woohoo I have finished my 30 hours of blind drawings. I have to stay it is quite a relief, although I do have a slight sense of achievement as well!
I do think though that these last drawings are the worst, maybe that's just because I had built it up in my head, my 2 final hours! I must of though something amazing was going to happen, but seriously I think it is because 30 hours is a long time to do any type of drawing and it is definitely time to move on.
Looking back I have found this task useful and think it was definitely a good start to my drawing project - 'Learning to draw (Again)'. Its kind of been like a long warm up to the marathon head, and I'm certainly warmed up and raring to go!

Nearly there.....

Almost there now! yep I have completed 28 hours of my 30 hours of blind drawings, so thought I would give a quick update of how things have been going with a few select pictures.
Sometimes I have found it quite relaxing but sometimes it has been the exact opposite! I have drawn my boots many many times, although there is only so many times I can draw them! Therefore I have drawn anything and everything, things around my home, people on the bus, at a portrait class and so on,I have come across a particular favorite though which is making drawings from fashion magazines! - maybe something to look into in the future.
My confidence with drawing seems to be improving already and at least I'm back to holding my pencil properly - rather than gripping it as though I have some great fear of it. I have been working quite small though, A5 to A4, which I am finding a little bit restrictive, which means its time to start working bigger for the last couple of hours.
So with that quick update here are some pictures and I'm off to complete my 2 hours.........

Sunday, 23 October 2011

..........and some more blind drawings!

These are some drawing s that I have done from fashion magazines. I enjoyed doing these drawings, it was alot more relaxing than some of the other blind drawings that I have been doing. Not sure why really?

Portrait class

Here are a few blind contour drawing that I did in a portrait class.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Some more blind contour drawings.

Blog Lovin

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
I've just discoved a site called Bloglovin, It's a great way to keep track of all the blogs that you want to follow. I've just added my blog onto the site, so check it out and click the follow button!
Me x

Monday, 17 October 2011

'Blind Drawings'

To begin my drawing project I have been doing a series of 'blind' drawings - as in not looking at the paper at all whilst completing the drawing, concentrating totally on the subject.
Before I started these drawings I was flicking though 'Experimental drawing' by Robert Kaupelis, looking at some of the suggestions, but nothing really grabbed me, until I came across a sentence stating that,
     '...I am suggesting to you is that your first 20 or 30 hours of contour drawing is to be done completely blind.' (Kaupelis)
This I took as a challenge!
So far I have completed 17 hours of these drawings, some of which are interesting to say the least. It will be interesting to see what they look like by the end of the 30 hours!
 I have found that on some (probably many, if I'm honest) of these drawings I am quite lazy. The idea is to make slow drawings, 'look at your subject, one line or form at a time, and force yourself to believe that your pencil is touching the form you're attempting to draw'. I definitely know that I don't do this sometimes. The other thing I notice is the way I hold my pencil some times, which is definitely not good, gripping it to hard, like writing with a Biro in a way that I don't have much control over the pressure applied.
So at least so for I have learnt somethings!
Even though I loathe to put them up, here is a selection of the drawings I have made.......

Blind drawing - Boots,1

Blind drawing - Boots, 2

Blind drawing - Boots, 3

Blind drawing - Boots, 4

Blind drawing - Boots, 5

Blind drawing - Boots, 6

Blind drawing - Still life

Blind drawing - Feet

Blind drawing - Marbles, 1

Blind drawing - Marbles, 2

Monday, 10 October 2011

Plodding on

I have found this week rather interesting, you see I have made a few changes in my life recently, I left my part time job (where I had worked for 11 years!) and this has been replaced with more hours life modelling (at the college where I used to study) and freeing up more time to get on with my art work. So I suppose I've been adjusting a bit in the last couple of weeks, but what I have found interesting is listening in to the drawing classes. The classes I sit for are mostly first years (degree level), so it is quite fitting with my project at the moment, as I am revisiting the beginning of drawing, and this is what is being taught. I am finding it very useful as even though I can remember the basics of these lessons, they were 4 years ago! It is almost like I am getting a second change to partake in these (probably) most important lessons from the degree.
It has all left my head swimming with ideas.......

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Well I actually started to do some drawing!!!!!!!

Well I actually started to do some drawing!!!!!!!
OK they didn't go particularly well but that's not the point, the point is I've got past the blockage and started some new work. I did some drawings of some old glass bottles, but they just weren't working out, but I think it has a lot to do with the subject matter. Even though I love the bottles, they're just not really a 'me' subject when it comes to my work. I originally started to draw some marbles (and I still do want to work with this subject matter), but they are just two simple to work with for the minute. To really delve into, and expand my drawing practice I need to work with something a bit more complex to draw, and off course something that keeps me interested, something I can really get my teeth into. So I think for know I'm going to use my beloved Doc Martens, and you never know, I may even have some work to put up soon.......

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Stop Procrastinating

So far I haven't written anything else for my drawing project, mostly because I haven't done anything yet! I initially had ideas I suppose about this wonderfully flowing blog that would show my every step of this project. But still I haven't actually started any drawing! I have a list of things, that, in my head I must do before I start the project, and the problem is this list just seems to keep growing.
It's not all bad though, I have now actually got decent pictures of my work, I have an online presence and I've applied for things that I have been meaning to for over a year now and all of this has lead to some positive stuff.
I have in some ways started the project, I have done some research, found some inspirational images, read up on different drawing practices and ideas and so on and so on! But let's face it I've just been procrastinating, and have been for over a year now. But as deadline loom nearer it's time to get on with it!
As for my blog, I need to get rid of the idea of this perfectly flowing form, like a story and start to learn to think aloud, as this is what will be most beneficial to me right now.
So here's hopping .....

Sunday, 25 September 2011

A bit more of the old inspiration

The different styles of de Kooning and Picasso.

de Kooning


And of course Paul Klee.................

A drawing is simply a line going for a walk.